Ladies Who Lunch
by Tudor Gates
Directed by Kate Horsley
When I first read "Ladies Who Lunch" something struck me immediately. How easy it seems to make millions of dollars on the money markets. I need a career change!!!
Then I started thinking that vast amounts of money are traded daily, billions are gained (and lost) every second. Ah, then why if it's possible to accumulate such wealth so quickly is poverty so prevalent?? It's a childish notion, I know, but the loose change we as individuals donate to charity seems insignificant in comparison to the amounts discussed in the play. It's a simple question but a hard one to answer. The world's wealth is in the hands of a small few. Perhaps Amelia is right, we do need a few more modern day Robin Hoods!!
The play itself does not attempt to solve the problem, but what it does make us see, through the characters and their relationships is the age-old adage that money cannot buy happiness. This is the focus of the play's action and you are invited to observe each character's obsession, as each has to address the reality of their lives.
For the play may seem to be about money..... but underneath what it is really about is people.