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The Glass Menagerie

By Tennessee Williams

Directed by Timothy M Carter

Season: 16th October - 13th November 2010
Preview night 15th October
Friday and Saturday nights at 8pm
Sunday matinée at 4.30pm

The Genesian Theatre was pleased to donate the proceeds of the opening night of The Glass Menagerie in the sum of $2000 to the Fred Hollows Foundation.

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Originally written for screen under the name The Gentleman Caller by Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie premiered in Chicago in 1944 to critical acclaim. With a cast of four this is an evocative play which brings to light the struggles of each character and the way in which they reconcile their desire for their dreams and their duty to family.

Tom Wingfield takes us through his memories on a journey which identifies many social and family themes which are as relevant today as they were in St Louis, 1937. He is oppressed by his obligation to his family since the father walked out on them - a crippled sister (Laura) who has become an ascetic and a mother (Amanda) who is determined to marry her off while reliving her own memories of being a Southern Belle with many gentlemen callers.

This season's production of The Glass Menagerie will provide the Genesian Audience an opportunity to explore personal demons and the world we create to find security and comfort, and conflict between an inherent sense of duty and the desire to follow one's dreams.

Director:Timothy M Carter
Associate Director:Chris Smith

Stage Manager:Caroline Gage
Assistant Stage Manager:Adriane White
Lighting & Sound Operator:Rachel Coleman

Tom Wingfield:Michael Sutherland
Amanda Wingfield:Katherine Shearer
Laura Wingfield:Kristie Jane Hogan
Jim O'Connor:Andrew O'Connell

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