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Isn't It Romantic

by Wendy Wasserstein

Directed by Wendy Hill

Season: 17th April - 29th May 1993

If you enjoyed The Heidi Chronicles, you'll love Isn't It Romantic. It's an exciting fast-paced comedy set in New York with all the energy that town demands. The author, Wendy Wasserstein, winner of the 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the 1989 Tony Award, writes plays of ideas that happen to be written as comedies.

This play is about witty women - their relationship with their mothers, girlfriends, lovers. It's about commitment - to their way of life, their jobs, their friends but most of all to themselves.

Cast: Jeni Meulman, Jenifa Dwyer, James Hutchinson, Sandra Bass, Colin Borny, Ros Bilbe, Jesse Shore, Gerry Faehrmann